Work produced because of Oxford trip

Because of the images that I had taken, I was really inspired by the objects in the museum.  I have deiced to take the brief as ‘Lost in Thought’. I found museums such a blur and I wanted to create some artwork that represents how I feel while looking around. My imagination goes crazy as I imagine the stories behind them. Each object that I have drawn, is surrounded by a pattern of mine inspired by some found in the museum. This is to demonstrate, first, how your imagination can go wild and dream up such colours. Secondly,  Its is imaging what their previous lives that the object lived. The other thing I wanted the viewer to feel the feeling of leaving a museum. Once you have left it is easier to get thing jumbled up.  All of the experience merges into one. Therefore my collection of drawings are chaotic and busy. Trying to replicate the feeling of the rush of knowldge.

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